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Feature Artists

Sujak Rahman
born 1949, Singapore

Sujak Rahman has been regarded as one of the finest artists in the art of batik painting in Singapore and the region. He is certainly one of the few who is consciously developing batik methodology through his paintings, as well as combining the style and technique of modern visual art. He is concerned that the language and methodology of batik art should develop as a contemporary artistic medium, transforming from traditional craft. Sujak’s work stands as an important connector between traditional craft and modern experimentation in Southeast Asia.


Since 1976, Sujak has held seven solos in Singapore and Japan, with the latest in Singapore in 2012. His works have been shown in group exhibitions in Japan, Moscow, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. He has represented Singapore at art fairs in Japan, Hong Kong and Korea. He has been teaching the batik painting for more than forty years.


Sujak’s list of awards include: the National Day Art Award (1976), Merit Prize at Singapore Innovations in Art (1981), First Prize at the Hokkaido International Culture Exchange Award (1986), ‘Pingat APAD’ (1987), and Merit Prize at the IBM Art Award (1989). Amber competition, Japan.

Selected Works

In Blue (1990)

Batik mixed media

Paper World (1992)

Temasek batik



Crystal Life (1992)
Oil on canvas


Mother and Child (2006)


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